
Kathy Naff

Email: kcnaff@sfsu.edu

Email Dr. Naff for Zoom links for office hours.  Office hours are also by appointment.

Katherine C. Naff is a Professor Emerita and Adjunct Professor of Public Administration at SFSU. In addition, she serves as an Evaluation Consultant to nonprofit organizations, specializing in those that serve at-risk populations. Dr. Naff has recently completed terms on the Personnel Board for the City of San Mateo, including as Chair of the Board, and on the Board of Directors of La Raza Centro Legal in San Francisco, where she was Vice-Chair.  She also served as Member, the Mayor (Gavin Newsom’s)  Advisory Panel on Civil Service Reform for the City/County of San Francisco.  As a full-time faculty member in the Public Administration program at SFSU from 1997 to 2013, she taught Democracy and Public Administration,  the Capstone course, Public Administration and the Law, Diversity in Public Organizations, Program and Policy Evaluation, Theory and Methods of Public Administration, Public Management,  Advanced Public  Management,   Human Resources Management, and Managing Human Capital. Her publications include:


Norma M. Riccucci, Katherine C. Naff and Madinah F. Hamidullah. 2020. Personnel Management in Government, 8th edition. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor Francis.

Katherine C. Naff. 2015. “Public Sector Workplace Design: New Challenges and Future Dynamics,” in Public Human Resource Management: Problems and Prospects, 6th Edition, edited by Richard Kearney and Jerrell Coggburn.  CQ Press, pp. 354-374. 

Albert C. Hyde and Katherine C. Naff. 2011. “Public Sector Pensions and Benefits: Challenges in a New Environment,” in Public Personnel Management, Current Concerns, Future Problems, 5th edition. Edited by Norma M. Riccucci. Boston: Longman. Pp. 157-172.

David Rosenbloom and Katherine C. Naff. 2010. "The Status of Law in Contemporary Public Administration" in The Future of Public Administration, Public Management and Public Service around the World: The Minnowbrook Perspective, edited by Rosemary O'Leary, David M. Van Slyke and Soonhee Kim. Washington, DC: Georgetown Press. Pp. 211-220.
Katherine C. Naff. 2001. To Look Like America: New York: Westview Press.


Katherine C. Naff & K. Jurée Capers. 2014. “The Complexity of Descriptive Representation and Bureaucracy: The Case of South Africa”, International Public Management Journal, 17:4, 515-539.

Katherine C. Naff and Ockert Dupper. 2009. "Footprints through the Courts: Comparing Judicial Responses to Affirmative Action Litigation in South Africa and the U.S.” 2009.  International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations.  25 (2): 157-190.

Katherine C. Naff. 2009."Nancy Alfaro as an Exemplary Collaborative Public Manager: How Customer Service was Aligned with Customer Needs" Public Administration Review 2009. 69(3): 487-493. 

Katherine C. Naff. 2008. "The End of Affirmative Action and the Future of the Legal and Medical Professions in California.” Journal of Public Management and Social Policy 14 (1).