Raquel Pinderhughes

Raquel Rivera Pinderhughes

USP Advisor
Phone: (415) 338-7520
Email: raquelrp@sfsu.edu
Location: HSS 137

Please note that Dr. Rivera-Pinderhughes is currently on summer break and will be unavailable until the fall semester begins. For any inquiries, please wait until the end of August to contact them. Thank you for your understanding. Email Dr. Rivera-Pinderhughes for Zoom links for advising or to schedule an appointment


Raquel Pinderhughes, Ph.D. is Professor of Urban Studies and Planning (USP) at SF State, where she teaches courses on urban and environmental planning and policy, that include: “Sustainable Development in Cities,” “Environmental Justice,” and “Alternative Urban Futures”. She was the Director of the Willie L Brown Fellowship Program, which provides SF State students with opportunities to work for SF government. An internationally recognized expert on green jobs, green jobs training and environmental literacy; Raquel’s “Green Job Training Model” was used to form the Oakland Green Job Corps and informed the development of the Obama Administration’s Pathways out of Poverty Initiative funded with ARRA funds. Raquel is the creator of Roots of Success, an environmental literacy and work readiness curriculum specifically designed for youth and adults that face significant barriers to education and employment. The Roots of Success curriculum is used in schools, job training programs, and correctional facilities throughout the nation, as well as in the UK and South Africa to prepare individuals who come from communities heavily impacted by poverty, unemployment and environmental problems for environmental careers and to improve conditions in their communities. She has been teaching at SF State for almost 25 years and remains greatly appreciative of the opportunity to work with the amazing students she meets every semester at SF State.

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