Jennifer Shea
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Jennifer Shea is a Professor of Public Administration and Director of the School of Public Affairs and Civic Engagement. She is a community-engaged scholar whose work lies at the nexus of public policy and nonprofit studies, with research focused on public engagement and innovation in policymaking and implementation, organizational and policy learning, nonprofit finance, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Much of her research is applied, engages community members, and incorporates equity concerns from critical theoretical and practical perspectives. She is a co-founder and faculty affiliate of the Applied Housing Research Initiative (AHRI) and co-director of the Willie L. Brown, Jr., Fellowship at SF State University.
Her most recent research centers social equity in housing policy and community resilience. Conducted in partnership with Dr. Laura Mamo, her housing policy research focuses on inclusionary and emergency housing policies in the state of California and has resulted in two working papers, which can be found at https://pace.sfsu.edu/research. The community resilience work is part of a long-term partnership with San Francisco’s Empowered Communities Program, most recently partnering with community groups in Cloverdale, CA, and at the Alice Griffith Community in San Francisco. With the help of student research assistants, she helps these communities assess the effectiveness of their efforts to build community resilience.
Shea has published in several scholarly journals, including Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Journal of Public Affairs Education, Evaluation and Program Planning, and Public Administration Review, written book chapters, and presented related work at more than twenty-five scholarly conferences. In 2013-2014, Dr. Shea won the Faculty Community Service Learning Award, given by SF State’s Institute for Civic and Community Engagement (ICCE). She has a broad teaching portfolio that includes foundations of governance and management, leadership, comparative perspectives, public policy, and the MPA Capstone course.