Offered Fall 2024 GRN 705: Aging in a Multidimensional Context

Author: Bridget McCracken
June 7, 2024
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Join this Aging Studies course and gain essential insights into one of today's most critical issues! As the world's population rapidly ages, understanding aging from every angle is crucial. Taught by Professor Jessica McCracken, a leader in the field of aging with more than 25 years of experience and an alumnus of SF State’s Master of Public Administration Program.

GRN 705 offers a comprehensive understanding, interventions for quality of life, and benefits for society. Addressing challenges like research silos, ageism, and resource allocation, we all pave the way for a future where aging is an opportunity for growth and well-being. Discover innovative solutions. Don't miss out—join us today!

Healthcare Challenges: Chronic disease and disabilities increase with again, straining healthcare systems.

Economic Implications: Aging populations pose challenges globally from pension sustainability to workforce preparation.

Social and Cultural Impact: Aging affects societies as a whole. Learn how to foster age-friendly environments and support systems.

GRN 705 meets in-person on the following Tuesdays from 4:00pm--6:45pm: 8/27, 9/24, 10/29, 11/19 & 12/10. The rest of the course is online asynchronous.