Shamann Walton member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and MPA alum speaks at SF State Convocation

Shamann Walton member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and MPA alumnus spoke at SF State 2023 Convocation on August 17: the ceremonial tradition welcoming faculty and staff to a new year on campus.
Walton graduated with his MPA in 2010 and said he is proud to not only have graduated from SF State himself, but also to be the parent of two Gator alumni. He discussed the value of education as “the No. 1 thing that can never be taken away from us. As Malcolm X said, ‘Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today,’” Walton said. “Your work this year and continuing, of course, is preparing the brightest minds for success ... and [to] change the world.”
Walton was not the only elected official in attendance. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi was a surprise guest and a second member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Rafael Mandelman was also on hand.
Pelosi began her speech in McKenna Theatre by acknowledging the vital roles of University employees. “We have to make sure we are paying our workers well as we sing our praises,” Pelosi said in front of an audience of hundreds. “We want to make sure we respect them.”
She also praised SF State for its dedication to social justice and democracy.
“Right now, we have to make sure with all of the challenges that are out there to our democracy and democracy worldwide, that we make decisions that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for all. San Francisco State is about all of that,” Pelosi said. “So I’m proud to bring you greetings from the Congress with respect for you, for the students, for the families, with gratitude to all of you. And just one last thing: Go Gators!”