Urban Studies & Planning student journal pushes boundaries of scholarship about cities

The 2017 edition of Urban Action — a student-run journal in the Urban Studies & Planning program since 1979& — is now available online. The journal’s proud history truly reflects a labor of love. It is built on countless hours of student work, collaboration and serious thinking to push the boundaries of scholarship about cities.
The 2017 edition is no exception. It includes articles and photo essays that represents the vanguard of critical thinking and policy action in the realm of city and regional planning. Student authors have researched and written about topics that cover pressing contemporary concerns of the field: affordable housing, Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs), downtown revitalization, gentrification, street activation using urban design interventions, public parks, pedestrian safety, access to clean drinking water, and civic engagement in the transformation of our cities.
Kudos to the editorial team and all the student contributors!