Urban Studies & Planning is currently open to all students admitted through the University admissions process.
Review the degree requirements for the Urban Studies & Planning major and minor in the Academic Bulletin. Contact pace@sfsu.edu with any questions.
How do I declare a major or minor in Urban Studies and Planning (USP)?
We welcome new students to the USP major and minor! Follow these steps to declare: https://registrar.sfsu.edu/change_major_minor
What Courses are being offered?
Go to the online course schedule (https://webapps.sfsu.edu/public/classservices/classsearch) and enter USP in the search box.
Academic Advising
- First-year freshmen, second year, and undeclared students have an assigned counselor in the UAC. (Refer to your SF State email for messages from your counselor). Reach out to your counselor directly via email, drop-in, and/or make an appointment when you need assistance
- Students in their third year through graduation who are declared majors or pre-majors are advised by their college advising team.
- For more information about the UAC and to make an appointment with one of their advisors, visit https://advising.sfsu.edu/advising-services
SF State’s Advising Hub is the place to go to learn about many other academic advising resources, including tutoring and writing support, major degree selection, and a range of other non-academic resources important for your well-being and success. Check them out! https://advisinghub.sfsu.edu/
We all want to support you and see you thrive as you pursue your academic degree and other goals! We encourage you encourage you to meet with a faculty advisor at least once each semester. To make sure you have an initial advisor, we assign them alphabetically, but you can select any tenured USP faculty member as your faculty advisor (see below).
All PACE students should also feel free to drop into office hours with the PACE Director, Dr. Jennifer Shea.
*Note: If you have an advisor outside of the alphabetical assignment, that’s fine. Just let your assigned advisor know you are getting advising from another professor.
Your advisor is:
Office Location: HSS 133
Email for an appointment:
Your advisor is:
Office Location: HSS 210
Email for an appointment: